A fluent and analytical investigation which explores the chosen topic from a clear, autonomous and critical perspective, making use of extensive and wide-ranging research which has clearly been employed in the investigation and detailed in the bibliography, making use of a wide range of academic, media and contextual sources.
· ‘When audiences see aspiration adverts, they “associate it with a whole desirable style of life, and to feel that not owning the product would involve personal failure”. Loren Colemen suggests in the copycat theory that viewers model themselves on the representations that they see in the hope that they will gain the idealistic lifestyles that are created.’
· Comments: use of theories applied to topic which is analysed in how audiences aspire to represent themselves from an ‘idealistic’ lifestyle which is created.
The investigation demonstrates sophisticated research and engagement with the primary text(s) and a range of secondary texts. It is well presented with a very detailed bibliography/source list (AO4).
· Increased sense of masculinity as “one of the ways of determining whether a male character in an advertisement has the required authority [...]
· Books
Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg (2000). Repetitive Advertising and the Consumer. Journal of Advertising Research, 40, pp 39-48
Branston, G., & Stafford, R. (1999). The Media Student's Book (2nd Ed.). London: Routledge. pp.379
Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg (2000). Repetitive Advertising and the Consumer. Journal of Advertising Research, 40, pp 39-48
Branston, G., & Stafford, R. (1999). The Media Student's Book (2nd Ed.). London: Routledge. pp.379
· Comments: reference to a quote within sentence, used part of it to demonstrate use of research of a primary text. Bibliography of books represents secondary texts within part of a source list.
The investigation demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates relevant to the chosen area of investigation.
· The female gaze has become accepted since the 1990’s, when the Diet Coke Break advert first allowed females to voyeur. Since this advert, where women watched a topless man out of the window, it is now expected that men in adverts will look desirable, inviting the female gaze.
· Comments: the female gaze which has been a debate continuously discussed in the media. This is mentioned in this part of the paragraph referring back to the advert.
The work contextualises the study and the linked production piece effectively within the contemporary media landscape (AO1).
· In Dolce & Gabbana, The One, the main character has been placed in a dominant group of society. He owns an expensive car, and the long duration of the shot emphasises the value of it. Throughout the advert, he is being followed by paparazzi, implying his importance and that people would want to know about him. Furthermore, he does not seem to take any notice of their cameras, which suggests that it is part of his everyday life.
· Comments: this sentence reflects analysis in media language and a clear example to a particular reference in which links to the production piece effectively within a contemporary media landscape as a recent advert was looked at.
At the top of this level candidates demonstrate very good understanding of the chosen area of investigation, very good, independent research skills and very good application of media concepts, contexts and critical debates.
· George Gerbner suggested that when audiences consume a media text, they are passively influenced by it and they may even be oblivious to the changes that it creates in them. The cultivation theory can be applied to aspiration adverts as they are viewed on a day to day basis and “many of these images are idealised, representing life more as it is imagined than as it actually exists”
· This has led to the censorship of many perfume adverts by Ofcom. It has become expected that perfume adverts have sexual content but “ads that are indecent, sexist, sexy [...] present a constant and ever growing problem”.
Comments: Clear, independent researches of adverts as theories and debates have been applied grasping media concepts in different aspects.
Comments: Clear, independent researches of adverts as theories and debates have been applied grasping media concepts in different aspects.
The link between the investigation and the production is cogent, clear and evident.
· Cant seem to find clear link between investigation and intended production